Add InspireHEP support
under review
As you can see, the Better BibTeX plugin of Zotero has a function "pin BibTeX key from InspireHEP". InspireHEP is a database used by everyone in the field of high energy physics, nuclear physics, cosmology and related fields, and is maintained by the community. It has the most precise database including citations and references in these fields. Every paper in the database has a unique citekey, that is the one pinned by BBT with the above-mentioned function, which is commonly used by most of the colleagues in writing. Thus, it would be great to include support of InspireHEP in zoteroRoam as well, see, on the on-page MENU. The Inspire-HEP API can be found here:
Alix Lahuec
under review
I'm reviewing the details of the Inspire API, but since it supports DOI it should be straightforward to add support in the on-page menu. Curious where else in the extension this could be integrated!